• Info@ccegypt.org
  • +201068028434
what we do

We Donate to charity causes
around the world.

Water Delivery

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Medicine Help

Always length letter adieus add number moment she. Promise few compass.

Save Plants

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We Build & Create

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Meet Our Vision

Our Vision


Interdependent community that is aware of the importance of advocating the voice of cancer patients and their families

Join With Us
Our Mission


We believe that we can save more lifes with you.

develop public awareness of the importance of advocating cancer patients’ voice and mental health support by making partnerships with Governmental, Public and societal departments to support, empower and advocate patients who live with sickness and take them back to quality life after getting sick to participate in society development 

Our strategic priorities are:

  • Raising cancer awareness, its early detection and its precautions
  • Supporting patient’s right in full disclosure and participating in treatment plans.
  • Supporting, empowering and advocating people who live with cancer.
Join With Us
Year of Foundation
psychological support recipients
Prosthetic breasts